Nordic Semiconductor ASA ئاپەکان

nRF Toolbox for BLE 3.1.3
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
The nRF Toolbox is a container app that storesyour Nordic Semiconductor apps for Bluetooth low energy in onelocation.It contains applications demonstrating BLE profiles: Cycling Speedand Cadence, Running Speed and Cadence, Heart Rate Monitor, BloodPressure Monitor, Health Thermometer Monitor, Glucose Monitor,Continuous Glucose Monitor and Proximity Monitor. Since version1.10.0 the nRF Toolbox supports also the Nordic UART Service whichmay be used for bidirectional text communication between devices.Version 1.16.0 added Android Wear support for the UART profile. TheUI allows one to create configurable remote control with UARTinterface.The Device Firmware Update (DFU) profile allows one to upload theapplication, bootloader and/or the Soft Device image over-the-air(OTA). It is compatible with Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 devices thathave the S110/S130/S132 SoftDevice and bootloader enabled. Sincethe 1.11.0 version nRF Toolbox allows to send the required initpacket. More information about the init packet may be found here: DFU has the following features:- Scans for devices that are in DFU mode- Connects to devices in DFU mode and uploads the selected firmware(soft device, bootloader and/or application)- Allows HEX or BIN file upload through your phone or tablet- Allows to update a soft device and bootloader from ZIP in oneconnection- Pause, resume, and cancel file uploads- Includes pre-installed examples that consist of the Bluetooth lowenergy heart rate service and running speed and cadenceserviceNote:- Android 4.3 or newer is required.- Tested on Nexus 6, 6P, 9, Samsung S3, S6 and S7.- Compatible with nRF5 devices- The development kits can be ordered from .- The nRF51 and nRF52 SDK and SoftDevices are available online from The source code of nRF Toolbox is available on GitHub: nRF Toolbox has replaced the nRF Utility app which is no longersupportedKnown problems:- Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 with Android 4.3 does not allow to unbounddevices.- Reconnection to bondable devices may not work on several testedphones.- Nexus 4, 5 and 7 with Android 4.4 fails when reconnecting whenGatt Server is running.- Reset of Bluetooth adapter may be required if other errorappear.Know problems with DFU settings:- Setting Package Receipt Notification to OFF or less than ~400 maycause the outgoing buffer to overflow.
nRF Blinky 3.0.1
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
A simple application for newbies in Bluetooth LE.
nRF Bluetooth LE Joiner 1.2
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
nRF Bluetooth LE Joiner lets you add IoT nodes to a Bluetooth LEbased Network.
nRF Beacon for Eddystone 2.3
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
nRF Beacon for Eddystone is an application that supports the newEddystone GATT configuration service allowing users to configureyour beacon to advertise all types of Eddystone frame types fromUID, URL, TLM and the newest EID and eTLM frame types. In additionthe application uses Nearby API for scanning Eddystone beacons inclose proximity and Google Proximity API to register UID, EIDbeacons and create/retrieve attachments for them on the ProximityAPI cloud. The basic features of the application includes-Foreground and background scanning of beacons using Nearby APIwhich are registered on the Proximity API. Once an EID beacon isregistered to the cloud with an attachment, the Nearby API willsend the beacon EID packet to the proximity API, resolves the EIDpacket and retrieve the data attached to it. Please note only UIDand EID beacon types can be registered on the proximity API andmake sure to limit the size of an attachment to be 3KB -Registeringbeacons and creating attachments to proximity API -Configuration ofEddystone beacons using the new Eddystone GATT configurationservice. -URL shortener for configuring URL beacons ## How to Guide1. First press the button 1 on the nRF52 Devkit which turns thedevkit/beacon in to connectable mode for 60 seconds 2. Press theconnect button on the update tab on the application and the list ofdevices will be prompted. 3. Select the device and you will bechallenged with the beacon manufacturer lock code. the lock codeused for this application is 16 F's (case insensitive) and theapplication has the lock code hard coded 4. After entering thecorrect lock code the application will read through all slots anddisplay the information for each slot. This application goes handin hand with the nRF5 SDK for Eddystone posted on Github on thefollowing link. This link also contain a complete how to guide andthe new Eddystone GATT configuration specs. Please note that someof the advanced characteristics are not supported on the firmwareapplication and will be implemented in the near future. Thesource code for nRF Beacon for Eddystone application is availableon Github on the following link. -Android 4.3 or newer is required. -Tested on Samsung S3 withAndroid 4.3, on Nexus 5, 6 and 9 with lollipop & Marshmallowand Samsung Galaxy S6, S7 with Marshmallow. -Location Services needto be enabled for scanning on android 6.0 Marshmallow and inaddition, runtime persmission ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION is alsorequired. -GET_ACCOUNTS permission is required in order to selectthe account to register and allow access to the Google ProximityAPI and URL Shortener service.
Thingy:52 1.4.5
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Designed for Nordic Thingy:52™ devices.
nRF Connect Device Manager 1.9.2
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Update and manage your Zephyr-based device
nRF Connect for Mobile 4.26.1
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Scan and discover your Bluetooth Low Energy devices with nRFConnect for Mobile.
nRF Mesh 3.3.0
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Provision and configure your Bluetooth Mesh fleet of nodes usingnRF Mesh.
nRF UART 2.0 2.0
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Bluetooth LE based UART interface for Android.
nRF Beacon 1.4.3
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Scan and configure beacons with nRF Beacon app.
nRF Temp 2.0 for Bluetooth LE 1.1.1
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Keeps track of your Bluetooth LE temperature sensors.
nRF Logger 1.9.1
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
nRF Logger application allows developers to view log sessionscreated by other applications using the API released on GitHub. Itis being used by nRF Connect and nRF Toolbox from NordicSemiconductor to log connection events. With nRF Logger installeddevelopers may debug their apps when not connected to the computer.Log sessions may be also shared by customers to obtain detailedinformation. 6 log levels are supported: - DEBUG - VERBOSE - INFO -APPLICATION - WARNING - ERROR A log session may be marked with aflag or given a description to easily find it in the future.Requirements: Application will not work with nRF Connect v. 1.0.Version 1.1+ is required. Public API: The public nRF Logger API hasbeen released on GitHub: which allowsto create log sessions from 3rd-party applications. Check GitHubsite for more information and example.
nRF Cloud Gateway 2.4.2
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
An Android based Bluetooth Low Energy Gateway for
nRF Beacon Service 1.1
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Battery efficient beacons scanner for Android 4.3 and 4.4.
nRF Device Firmware Update 2.3.1
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Update nRF5 SDK firmware using Bluetooth LE
nRF Edge Impulse 1.0.0
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Create and deploy embedded machine learning apps on Thingy:53.
nRF Wi-Fi Provisioner 1.0.1
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Provision a nRF7002 device to Wi-Fi network.
nRF Programmer for Thingy:53 1.0.0
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Quickly install precompiled sample apps on your Thingy:53.
nRF Mesh Sniffer 1.0.0
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
Debugging tool for Bluetooth Mesh
nRF Memfault 1.0.0
Nordic Semiconductor ASA
The app uploads logs to Memfault cloud.